Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Busy Few Weeks

A lot has been happening in the last few weeks. I went from being afraid my child would spend her first few months naked to acquiring quite an abundance of clothes. Any maybe more than enough pink, frilly things to Daddy Clay's displeasure. But what can you do when your sister-in-law offers to unload a garbage bag of free stuff on you (only our favorite Ellen outfits, she had said). And then there was the bag of 0-3 month stuff from Matt's coworker for $20. Because I didn't have a single onesie or sleeper yet and was starting to get worried. Last night I rounded up all the baby clothes I had accumulated and washed them all. And while I'll do this a thousand times in the future, that first time is just...weird. Once washed and dried, I did my best to match bottoms with tops and sort into piles: 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 12 mos., 18 mos. I'll be able to tuck away a lot of those favorite Ellen outfits because it will be a year at least before I use them, but the tiniest onesies and sleepers and pink rompers will need to go in the dresser (if it ever comes in--I ordered it 6 weeks ago!).

I'm also the proud owner of a Diaper Genie, a baby bathtub ( I swore I would not spend $30 on a new one!), and a boppy pillow, thanks to people at work. For those keeping track, that's about $100 in savings right there. And Jennie just offered me her extra car seat base, so there's another $35. So I finally feel like I'm gathering the stuff I need to have a baby. There are others I need to work on--a pump, baby monitor, crib sheets, bibs, wipes--and I have lists everywhere of things to do, people to call, stuff to buy. I need to pack a bag for the hospital, but I also need to buy a nursing nightgown and robe for the trip. Somehow I'm not sure the Mountain Dew shirt and jogging shorts I stole from Matt and have been wearing to bed for 3 months will work.

And we started baby class last week. I didn't think there were too many mysteries left for me regarding this whole baby-making process. After all, I did read the What to Expect When You're Expecting book. But there's something to be said about the lifesize models of what your cervix looks like just before birth and talk of it stretching like a rubber band. I was also told that you're not supposed to go to the hospital until contractions are only 5 minutes apart. Essentially, the head should be about halfway out before you show up. They suggested walking the mall instead. Yeah, because I totally see me and Daddy Clay comparing Yankee Candle scents while I try to pretend I'm not about to pop out a kid.

This week's class is focusing on birthing positions. Despite what television and movies have taught us, lying on your back is not the optimum position for this. There's a whole chart of better positions--squatting, hands and knees, in a tub, etc. Since DC will be at a conference, I guess Miss Joseph will have to help me decide on that one.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Baby Clay

I want you to know that this morning I slept until almost 9, and if everything I've ever heard about babies is true, this sleeping in thing will be over in approximately two months. But what say we make a deal? What if you try really hard to be that one baby who sleeps through the night after about a month? What if you learn to differentiate weekends from weekdays and sleep even longer on Saturday and Sunday mornings? In return, I could promise to buy you a pony someday. Just kick me a couple times in the abdomen if you're cool with this arrangement...okay, and judging from the way my stomach just moved on its own, it would appear like you're on board. Or maybe you're simply excited by the fact that I just ate a big bowl of Raisin Bran. I guess we'll know in a couple months.