Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First of all, congratulations Baby Clay. You are officially a girl. We have the potentially embarrassing pictures to prove it--amazing that they can do with a sonogram machine these days. This is good news. It would be difficult for me to start switching pronouns now after calling you a she for the last month and a half. Plus Daddy Clay and I had pretty much stopped discussing boy names. We have a short list of girl names, but nothing definitive. So you're still stuck with Baby Clay for now.

Secondly, you'll be pleased to know that our weekend was spent clearing out the baby room of all things Mommy's. Unfortunately, most of it has ended up in our living room. We're working on consolidating it into the two rooms downstairs. We also put together the crib. Yay! Turns out putting together furniture is one of those things Daddy and I are pretty good at. We've made some bookcases, a kitchen table, that IKEA shelf thing. We don't even fight when we do it. That's gotta be a good sign of something.

Tomorrow we're going to look at a house about 5 miles out in the country. I'm torn about this. While I like the idea of having a bit more space and trees, and a place to plant a really big garden (and did I mention it has this huge outdoor pool), it means not having neighbors and block parties and a place to borrow an egg. Then again, I wouldn't ask any of our neighbors now to borrow an egg. But the point is, I grew up in a neighborhood with no less than 5 girls within a year of me. That meant for some sweet games of capture the flag and flashlight tag. But in the country? Then again, if we have a pool I'm pretty sure you'll never be hurting for friends. Neither will Mommy and Daddy. We'll see how the inside looks tomorrow. It's definitely older than this house: 1967 versus 2003. Do I really want to start the remodeling process all over again? Especially while pregnant? I'll keep you updated.

Food update: I am eating lots of the following--cereal (especially Golden Grahams and Honey Nut Cheerios), iced oatmeal cookies (I had a dream about them and needed to buy them immediately), orange juice, grape juice, pink lemonade (not technically foods, I know), yogurt, and bananas.

And finally, I need another new bra. I've outgrown the first maternity bra I bought. It was an ambitious purchase, I know, getting it at month 3. But really, who would have thought they'd get even bigger? Eesh.

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