Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another Doc Appointment

Had another doctor's appointment today. Nothing too interesting to report. I did gain 3 pounds since last month. But that might just be from all the Christmas goodies I've been eating. Today I had to unbutton my jeans for them to be comfortable. I originally blamed this on the fact that I put them in the dryer, but maybe it has something to do with those three pounds. Either way, I don't think I look overly pregnant yet. Still at that stage where people who don't know are probably looking at me and thinking to themselves "Is that girl pregnant or just big in the middle?" It will be nice in a few more weeks when I have conclusive proof that it's a baby and not my love of frosted sugar cookies.

We heard the heartbeat again too. It's always nice to know baby's still doing alright in there. It's hard to tell when I don't feel anything. Maybe in a couple weeks or so.

Oh yeah, and our stroller came last week. I know it's way to early to buy one, but I really loved the particular pattern. Papa Clay read about it online, mostly looking for safety information and what not, and found that the company was only making that pattern for a year. So if I wanted to be sure I got the brown and green stroller with the owls on it, I had better purchase it now. So we did. We took it out of the box and assembled it. Then we tested how to lock the baby seat in, recline the back, fold it down with just one hand. After that, we chased the dogs around the room with it. Then we put Emerson in it and took pictures. He was not pleased.

"I hate this, I hate this, I hate th...Oh, look at the cute owls."

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