Sunday, December 13, 2009

So I've been neglectful about the blog. But to be fair, I haven't had a whole lot to say lately. Things have felt mostly "normal." That is, I'm not really sick. I'm not really tired. I don't feel a baby yet. I only barely look like I might have one growing in there. So what does one talk about?

Well, on Thursday I had my second sonogram. That proved interesting. Certainly more than the first one, where Baby Clay looked like little more than a squiggle on the screen. This time, Baby was what the sonographer described as "wiggly." Yep, Baby was certainly moving quite a bit. In the time that I was there, Baby flipped completely over. And during most of the picture taking, Baby looked like it was bucking or something. Very cool. I can't believe it's moving so much inside there and I can't feel a thing. The baby book says I may start feeling it around 15 weeks. That's only about 2 weeks away. If the baby continues to move as much as it was, I'll never sleep again. Way to prepare me for when you're actually born, Baby.

In other news, we were at Target the other day and wandered into the baby section. Papa Clay decided he just had to buy something for the baby. So we settled on a light green/blue/yellow comforter. It has an owl on it (I guess that's going to be our theme. I like it. I've never seen an owl baby room before. Jungle animals, sure. Noah's ark, of course. But owls? I have to admit it's a little weird. But then again, aren't owls always a symbol of intelligence?). And also a big letter "C" that's supposed to stand for "caterpillar," but I'm sure it's really meant to be "Clay." Perfect. We also found a sweet stroller with owls on it. After PC read online that it's a special model made only for Target and only in limited quantities, we decided we better just purchase one while it's still available. So yesterday we hopped on Amazon and did just that. Our first major baby purchase. Looks like we'll have to start making some room for Baby and all it's stuff.

I can't believe I also forgot to mention what else I learned at the sonogram on Thursday. I asked the lady if she could tell gender, fully assuming she would say it's way too early. The book says 20 weeks. But the lady said she had a guess that was better than 50% (which I could guess at 50% accuracy). She says girl, which is what I've thought all along. I'm not getting too attached to that idea since it is so early. I'll wait until we're at about 90% accuracy. However, I did take a few minutes to browse through the baby girl section in Old Navy the other day. Eesh. If I have a girl, I'll go broke from buying clothes. There are just so many cute things out there for little girls. And I want them all.

Other things to note:
--My boobs are officially a cup size larger.
--Pepperoni and my digestive system are not friends.
--I went into a maternity clothes store looking for a new bra. I also tried on a couple pairs of pants--they have pillows in the fitting rooms that you're supposed to use to measure how big you'll be in a few months. Ack! Soon I won't see my feet.
--We got some good cream for stretch marks from PC's mom. He's been rubbing it on my belly every night. I think he's more worried about stretch marks than I am. Isn't there just a surgery to fix that?

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