Thursday, October 22, 2009

Considering the H1N1 vaccine

I read this on NPR and thought it made a lot of sense (even though I've just begun holding my breath): "The pressures on pregnant women to basically take a deep breath and hold it for nine months are enormous in our culture."

This quotation was in reference to a story about whether or not pregnant women should get the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine. Basically, the doctor was saying that pregnant women are bombarded by what they can and can't do/take/eat/drink/etc. while pregnant. Now they must also decide whether or not to get the H1N1 vaccine, knowing that it was never tested on pregnant women (ethical reasons and all). That, and it's an incredibly new vaccine that was pushed out the door as fast as possible. What's the other choice? Risking the flu and a fever that's dangerous for the baby. And with so many people sick in my office, it seems more like a certainty than a risk. Eesh. I think I'll default to my doc for the answer to this one. I have my first appointment lined up for next Thursday. I think we'll be figuring out a due date. Yay!

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