Saturday, October 31, 2009

First doctor appointment--Check.
First failed attempt to listen to heart--Check.
First ultrasound--Check.
First photos of baby who is not even an inch long--Check.

So the first appointment was on Thursday. The whole thing took forever--about 3 hours. First I sat in the waiting room for about 20 minutes. Then I was weighed (eesh!), and then I spoke to the nurse for awhile. Did an extensive family medical background. "No, no cystic fibrosis in the family. Yes, husband has diabetes on his side. No, no twins." Again, I was asked about 5 times if I was taking prenatal vitamins (I am).

Then the doc came in. She seemed impressed by the speediness that I made it back in (I saw her in July for an annual and told her yes, we were thinking about trying for a baby). Then we did the basic appointment. The LMP would have put me at ten weeks, though I thought that was impossible. She put it somewhere around 8-9 weeks. Then we tried to listen to the heartbeat. She warned me ahead of time that it was early and we might not hear anything. I imagine there are women out there who would freak out if they didn't hear something. Thankfully, I'm not one of them, as the only heartbeat we heard was mine (though that was pretty cool too).

Then I made monthly appointments for the next 4 months. Then I scheduled an ultrasound so we could figure out just how old this baby really was. They had an opening for Friday morning, so I snatched it up. Then I went for bloodwork. I'm pretty sure they took about a pint. Oh yeah, and I rounded out the trip by peeing in a cup.

The Friday morning ultrasound was scheduled for 9:30 and came with very specific instructions. Drink 32 ounces of water by 8:30 and come in with a full bladder. Now, that's just a cruel thing to do to a pregnant lady who already has to pee all the time. I managed to get all the water down without problem, but at 8:30 I had to pee. I told myself if I went now, my bladder would surely be full again in an hour no problem. So I went. But by 9, as we ate McDonald's breakfast before the appointment, I really had to go again. Like, if I sneezed I would have wet myself. That's how bad. So I went. But I cut myself off partway through. So I still felt like I had to pee, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't explode if I hit a bump in the road.

We got into the room and it was like every baby movie I'd ever seen. Goop on the belly. Big black-and-white screen. And then there was baby and baby heartbeat. The lady determined the baby to be about 6 weeks, just old enough to see a squiggle on the screen with a bright white dot in the middle--the beating heart. She estimated Baby Clay to be about 6 millimeters, just slightly under 1 inch. And then she handed us a couple photos, though it may be a little soon to start putting them up on the wall.


  1. Question: So is it weird I'm writing BC (Baby Clay) notes? Is that stalkery?

    Also, have you considered naming the baby Clay Clay? Because, listen, that would be great. And I've always liked the name Clay. I had a crush on a kid named Clay in middle school. I particularly liked that fantasy because Clay's last name was Smith, and as we all know, I have been spending a good chunk of my life trying to find someone with an "S" last name so that I can hyphenate and make my initials officially be JESS, therefore spelling my name REALLY (instead of the quasi JES). The wedding announcements would have been pretty special: The parents of Clayton Smith and Jessica Smith invite you to the marriage of their children. (Yes, then it just sounds like a brother and sister are getting married. Ick.)

    Anyway! Clay Clay! Think about it!

  2. Could we make an argument that "Clay" could go either for a girl OR a boy?
