Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Baby = New Blog

Okay, I can do this. I can start yet another blog and swear I'm going to keep up with it. But this time I think I have good enough reasons to keep it going. That, and I actually have something to write about now considering I'm "with child." Ha. That feels a little ridiculous to write. I'm not quite sure it's totally hit me yet. I have, after all, only confirmed it a week ago. And only 3 other people know about it (okay, 4 if you're counting the saleslady at Home Depot who asked what we were painting the other day when we picked out a few samples).

Right now I'm sitting at home feeling the first pains of pregnancy. I've got a nasty cold and can't take anything for it. One website suggested a hot shower, fluids, soup, more sleep. That's great and all, but I can't shower at work (or sleep for that matter). I had some tea and I'm considering warming up some chicken broth. But all that can only do so much when what you really want is a shot of NyQuil. I'm going to settle for sticking my head over a bowl of steamy water.

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